1. NATO to endorse Afghan exit plan, seeks routes out
China Post May 21, 2012
Doug Mills/The New York Times
CHICAGO-- NATO leaders will endorse plans to hand over combat command in Afghanistan by mid-2013 on Monday and seek practical progress in opening routes to bring an international army of more than 130,000 back home from an unpopular, resource-draining war.
The strategy for a gradual exit from Afghanistan is aimed at holding together the multinational force and maintaining security in spite of France's decision to withdraw its troops earlier than scheduled.
At a summit in Chicago, leaders of the 28-nation alliance will endorse plans for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force to hand over command of all combat missions to Afghan forces by the middle of 2013 and for the withdrawal of most of the 130,000 foreign troops by the end of 2014.
NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公約組織
endorse: 贊同、背書
combat : 戰鬥
drain: 流出、流乾、耗盡
gradual :逐漸的
withdraw :退出、撤回
summit : 頂峰: 高峰會
Afghan forces: 阿富汗軍隊
combat : 戰鬥
drain: 流出、流乾、耗盡
gradual :逐漸的
withdraw :退出、撤回
summit : 頂峰: 高峰會
Afghan forces: 阿富汗軍隊
2. For Healthy Eating, Bitter Is Better
A food developer urges resisting sweet lures and braving taste shocks, new cuisines and despised dishes
The Wall Street Journal May 25, 2012
As someone who develops new food products, I've been a professional taster for 16 years. I love my job, but I'm constantly frustrated by the unwillingness of most Americans to try foods that challenge their palates.
It can take five to 10 attempts before you reach the point where you don't reject a new food outright.
The tongue is a unique muscle. The best way to exercise it, if you want to make the most difference to your waistline, is not to flex or fatigue it, but to stretch it. Expanding our repertoire of foods isn't just about exploration and new pleasures. It's also the first step toward eating a broader, healthier diet.
We are born loving sweetness, so we heap sugar into our lattes and drown our Chinese food in sweet sauces. But constantly indulging our craving for sweetness has an insidious effect. With each new overly sweet food that we consume, whether it is high in calories or not, we dull our palates to other tastes and flavors, especially those of nutritious fruits and vegetables.
bitter : 苦的
urge: 督促, 極力主張
lure: 誘餌(n), 引誘(vt)
cuisine: 美食
despise: 看不起、鄙視
frustrate: 沮喪
palate: 味覺
taste:味道, 品嘗
attempt: 嘗試(n), 企圖(vt)
tongue :舌
flex: 使(肌肉)收縮
fatigue: 疲勞(n),使疲勞(vt)
repertoire :曲目
drown :淹沒
insidious : 陰險的,有害的
crave: 渴望
dull: 平淡乏味的(adj), 使遲鈍(vt)
flavor:味道, 調味
bitter : 苦的
urge: 督促, 極力主張
lure: 誘餌(n), 引誘(vt)
cuisine: 美食
despise: 看不起、鄙視
frustrate: 沮喪
palate: 味覺
taste:味道, 品嘗
attempt: 嘗試(n), 企圖(vt)
tongue :舌
flex: 使(肌肉)收縮
fatigue: 疲勞(n),使疲勞(vt)
repertoire :曲目
drown :淹沒
insidious : 陰險的,有害的
crave: 渴望
dull: 平淡乏味的(adj), 使遲鈍(vt)
flavor:味道, 調味