2012年9月27日 星期四

Latest News Clips 2012.09.27

1.      We care that Aniston's getting married. Why?
CNN    Aug. 14, 2012


(CNN) -- Jennifer Aniston is getting married and this seems to be a matter of intense interest to women around the world. Why do we care?

To begin, there is the incredible proliferation of mass media, the huge amount of coverage on celebrities and the self-exposure stars are willing to endure -- even prefer -- these days. "Stars" have changed from glamorous, unfathomables, to "friends" we follow on Twitter, in intimate, unguarded photos in entertainment magazines (which we don't even have to buy; the headlines and pictures capture us in our doctors' offices and at the check out counter). We turn on the TV talk shows and learn more than we should as heartbroken or apologetic celebrity guests share details of their romantic misadventures.

Women like Jennifer Aniston become girlfriends, or friends of friends, who we listen to, judge, identify with and commiserate with. The wall separating us from stardom has been replaced by a penetrable surface, with celebrities just one tweet or book group away. She is no longer Jennifer Aniston, the star; she is Jennifer, a friend once removed and we talk about her among friends as if she were one of us.

News: Jennifer Aniston engaged to actor Justin Theroux

She is not, though, so why do we feel so strongly about what happens to a movie star who has no apparent connection to our lives? Two reasons. First, we know enough about her travail to identity with her and project ourselves into her situation. Here is a woman, who, like many of us, has wanted someone very badly 非常, made mutual vows of fidelity and loyalty, and had that person leave for another lover -- in this case, an exceptionally talented and gorgeous woman, who now lays claim to everything she (or we) ever wanted. There are few women who haven't lost someone they loved -- and they immediately take up her cause, and her feelings, as their own.

Secondly, we follow her life because in a strange way, it comforts us. If a man could be unfaithful to such a lovely, successful and nice woman, we can know that perhaps we weren't left because we weren't pretty enough or sexy enough or witty enough, but because some men just fall in love with someone else.

2.      Navigating the 'Isles of Wonder': A guide to the Olympic opening ceremony
CNN.com    July 31, 2012
London (CNN) -- Hundreds of millions around the world have been dazzled by the sights and sounds of director Danny Boyle's opening ceremony for the London 2012 Olympic Games.

The four-hour, £27 million ($42.4 million) spectacle contained references to such globally-recognized British icons such as James Bond, David Bowie and Harry Potter's Lord Voldemort.

But with the production tossing out historical and cultural references at a rapid rate, even the most ardent Anglophiles in the audience may have felt some allusions whiz over their head like an airborne nanny.

The Oscar-winning director of "Slumdog Millionaire" says the ceremony, titled "Isles of Wonder," was inspired by a passage in Shakespeare's The Tempest, believed to have been written in 1610 and set on a remote, magical island.

Although that phrase itself appears nowhere in the play, the character Caliban refers to his home as an isle "full of noises, sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not."

The line encapsulates the vision fellow film director Stephen Daldry, the ceremony's creative director, says the production sought to represent, in capturing "the rich heritage, diversity, energy, inventiveness, wit and creativity that truly defines the British Isles."

unfathomables  不可理解的
counter 櫃臺
apologetic 道歉的
commiserate with 憐憫; 同情  
stardom 名演員 
travail 辛勤工作 
mutual vows 相互誓言 
someone else 別人,其他人
someone 某人 

Isles 群島 
dazzle 目眩眼花 
ardent Anglophiles  英國癡 
airborne nanny 空降褓姆 
heritage 文化遺產 
wit 智慧 

2012年9月19日 星期三

Latest News Clips 2012.09.20

1.   China Irks Japan With Patrol-Ship Incursion
The Wall Street Journal      September 14, 2012

Associated Press
A Chinese surveillance ship, front, and a Japan Coast Guard vessel near the disputed islands Friday morning.

Tensions between Japan and China escalated Friday when an unusually large group of Chinese patrol ships entered Japanese territorial waters for a few hours near disputed islands in the East China Sea, as Beijing tried to assert its sovereignty.

The provocative action came days after Tokyo announced plans to purchase three of the contested islands it controls from a Japanese private owner to keep them out of the hands of nationalist Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara, who had intended to use the territory to further inflame the situation.

A Chinese surveillance ship, front, and a Japan Coast Guard vessel near the disputed islands Friday morning.

While Tokyo's move was intended to calm Beijing, it instead drew an angry response from Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, prompting Beijing to say it planned to send marine surveillance vessels toward the islands.

China's foreign ministry said the ships entered the waters Friday to conduct maritime surveillance and that Beijing was carrying out a mission of "law enforcement over its maritime rights." Japan's coast guard said the ships had all left the area after seven hours, without incident.

2.      Anti-American Protests Flare Beyond the Mideast
The New York Times    September 14, 2012

Anti-American rage that began this week over a video insult to Islam spread to nearly 20 countries across the Middle East and beyond on Friday, with violent and sometimes deadly protests that convulsed the birthplaces of the Arab Spring revolutions, breached two more United States Embassies and targeted diplomatic properties of Germany and Britain.

The broadening of the protests appeared to reflect a pent-up resentment of Western powers in general, and defied pleas for restraint from world leaders, including the new Islamist president of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, whose country was the instigator of the demonstrations that erupted three days earlier on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The anger stretched from North Africa to South Asia and Indonesia and in some cases was surprisingly destructive. In Tunis, an American-run school that was untouched during the revolution nearly two years ago was completely ransacked. In eastern Afghanistan, protesters burned an effigy of President Obama, who had made an outreach to Muslims a thematic pillar of his first year in office.

The State Department confirmed that protesters had penetrated the perimeters of the American Embassies in the Tunisian and Sudanese capitals, and said that 65 embassies or consulates around the world had issued emergency messages about threats of violence, and that those facilities in Islamic countries were curtailing diplomatic activity. The Pentagon said it sent Marines to protect embassies in Yemen and Sudan.

The wave of unrest not only increased concern in the West but raised new questions about political instability in Egypt, Tunisia and other Middle East countries where newfound freedoms, once suppressed by autocratic leaders, have given way to an absence of authority. The protests also seemed to highlight the unintended consequences of America’s support of movements to overthrow those autocrats, which have empowered Islamist groups that remain implacably hostile to the West.

3.      Kate and William take legal action against Closer over topless photos
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge seek injunction to force all copies of magazine to be pulled, and launch criminal action
guardian.co.uk,  17 September 2012

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit Tuvanipupu Island on their tour of the Far East. The couple are seeking an injunction and punitive fines at a criminal court hearing in Paris. Photograph: Chris Jackson/Getty Images

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are to launch a criminal action in France over topless pictures taken of Kate taken while they were on holiday.
The move comes as they also seek an injunction to force Closer magazine, which published the photographs of the duchess, to withdraw all copies from sale and remove them from its website.

They will ask a judge to make the gagging order under threat of punitive fines at a civil hearing on Monday afternoon at the tribunal de grande instance in Nanterre, a suburb of Paris.

Lawyers for the couple, who will not be at the hearing, will demand that Closer stop "all publication" of the images and that the magazine is removed from kiosks and newsagents. The couple will ask for a fine of €100,000 (£81,000) to be imposed for failure to comply with pulling the magazine and the same amount for failure to remove the pictures from "any electronic and especially digital means of communication". A further €100,000 fine is being demanded for the distribution of the photographs to other publications.

If the magazine drags its feet, the royal couple will seek a punitive fine of €10,000 to be imposed for every day it fails to comply with the order.

In a separate case, they were launching a criminal action, said St James's Palace, over the "taking of photographs of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge whilst on holiday and the publication of these photos in breach of their privacy".

Closer  :八卦雜誌《Closer
toless picture:上空照
criminal :刑事上的
punitive fines : 懲罰性的罰款
withdraw : 取回
gag : 禁止言論
巴黎大事法院(tribunal de grande instance) 
impose:徵(稅); 加(負擔等)於
comply :遵守,順從
breach: 違反,破壞 (n,vt)

2012年9月16日 星期日


資料來源: Smart智富 2012/09

確認底部: 德國股神曾說, 當股票由猶豫者手中跑到固執者手中,這時持有股票人數少且固執者人不輕易賣股票這就是底部

    1.確認底部 ◦
       利空卻量縮, 價不跌 : 量縮與不跌都以一區間定義
        每天觀察四大指數 1.加權指數 2.電子指數 3.金融指數 4.未含金融電子指數 拿後面三個跟大盤比,大於1強小於1則弱, 這個比較強弱方式又稱相對強弱式, 大盤收盤價比(RS, Relative Strength)

      當底部兩個訊號出現時, 意味著底部區已到
      開始留意中小型股, 通常中小型股有領漲領跌的特性, 中小型股最多佔資金三成 ◦
    3. 出現攻擊價量, 立即下大單 
    1. 出線攻擊量
    2. 價格出現重大突破
        股價站上季線.     股價突破頸線.
    所有訊號出現後才會下單台指期與權值股. 期貨佔操作資金兩成. 一次全下.權值股會佔資金三成.剩下的一兩成資金, 不會投入.期貨過五日線買進, 破五日線賣出.
    不買期貨可以買0050, 006208, 006204

    A.利多卻量縮價不漲:  先出清2~3成
     B. 強勢股跌破月線: 透過RS找出最強類股指數, 

     C. 價格出現重大突破:跌破季線與頸線
     D. 下殺攻擊量: 超過24日均量, 這時才開始做空

2012年9月4日 星期二

看電視學英文 2012/09

《新聞學英文》 偷渡.走私怎拼?

An attempt to smuggle a man across the Moroccan border this week failed after authorities discovered the immigrant hiding inside the hollowed

-out front passenger seat of an old Renault …(資料來源: Huffington Post)

smuggle 動 偷渡、走私
border 名 邊緣、邊境 動 圍住
authority 名 權利
authorities 名 官方、當局

《看新聞學英文》 「魔法」怎拼?

Magician David Blaine said he will risk electrocution for his latest stunt. The master illusionist plans to have a one million-volt cha

rge surge through his body nonstop for 72 hours...(資料來源: Dailymail)

magic 名 魔法、有魔力的
magician 名 魔術師
illusion 名 錯覺、幻象
illusionist 名 幻術家
electrocute 動 觸電致死
electrocution 名 電刑處死

《看新聞學英文》 「具有透視能力的人」怎拼?

一位厲害的算命大師,具有透視力的Dave,透露他這一行的秘訣,算命進行到一半,帳棚裡的螢幕落下, 顯示算命大師的天賦--一群駭客在網路上搜羅受試者的各種個人資訊.
A talented "mind reader", Dave the clairvoyant, has revealed the tricks behind his trade...midway through each of

 the readings, a screen inside the tent dropped to reveal Dave's "gift" — a group of people trawling the internet for personal details on each individual.(資料來源:ninemsn.com.au)

clairvoyant 名形 具有透視能力(的人)
mind reader 會讀心術的人
trick of the trade 各行各業的訣竅
trawl 動 用拖網撈補


《新聞學英文》 雪崩山崩怎拼?
The avalanche struck as the climbers prepared for their final ascent to the summit of Mount Manaslu, which at 26,760 feet is the

 world's eighth-highest peak....and killed at least nine climbers in Nepal. Another six mountaineers are still believed to be missing. (資料來源:WSJ)

avalanche 名 雪崩,山崩 (mudslide)
summit 名 峰頂
peak 名 動 形 尖峰
missing 形 失蹤的

《看新聞學英文》 「反對」怎麼拼?

Millions of people have taken to the streets to vent their anger over a move which could see the likes of Tesco, Carrefour and Walmart e
ntering the lucrative Indian market. Opposition parties claim the law will tear apart the country's social fabric. (資料來源:Skynews)

lucrative 形 回報豐厚的
opposition 名 反對
retail chain / mom and pop store
tear 動 撕裂
fabric 名 布料 結構

 《看新聞學英文》 「機艙」怎麼拼?

As much as JAL has focused on slashing costs, it has also sought to close the service gap with local rival All Nippon Airways, putting in new seats, revamping in-flight menus and installing electronic toilet seats in some business and first class cabins. That investment underscores JAL's belief that customers will pay a premium for full-service flights(資料來源:Chicago Tribune)

slash 動 砍,大幅刪減
revamp 動 名 革新
cabin 名 機艙 小屋
premium 名 加價 津貼 保費


Myanmar has released 87 political prisoners. The amnesty comes ahead of President Thein Sein's attendance at the United Nations General Assembly... Also pardoned were 83 Thais imprisoned ...on charges of land encroachment and illegal possession of drugs and weapons. (資料來源:http://www.dw.de/)

amnesty 名 特赦
pardon 動名 原諒 寬恕 特赦
Myanmar 緬甸 (Burma)
possession 名 持有 擁有

《看新聞學英文》 「頭等艙」最易死?
坐頭等艙的旅客要小心了! 一項前所未有又昂貴的航空實驗顯示,要是發生墜機意外,坐在飛機後方的乘客,才擁有最高的生還機會。
Beware first-class travelers! Passengers sitting in the rear of a plane have the best chance of survival in the event of a crash, 

an extraordinary and costly aviation experiment ever conducted has revealed.(資料來源: The Economic Times)

aviation 名 航空、飛行
first-class 形 頭等的、一級的
business class 片 商務艙
economy class 片 經濟艙
passenger 名 乘客、旅客
traveler 名 旅行者、遊客

《看新聞學英文》 骨骼.骨架怎拼?


An antiques dealer has bought two skeletons at Tom Hall Auctions in...Pennsylvania. The skeletons, believe

d to be of German and Irish origin and at least 100 years old were both owned by a New York mortician's museum.

skeleton 骨骼,骨架
antique 古董
origin 起源 來歷
mortician 禮儀師

《新聞學英文》 量化寬鬆.證券怎拼?

A government monetary policy occasionally used to increase the money supply by buying government securities or other securities from the market. Quantitative easing increases the money supply by flooding financial institutions with capital, in an effort to promote increased lending and liquidity.(資料來源:investopedia)

security 名 證券
equities (stock)
debt securities (bond)
Quantitative easing 量化寬鬆
capital 首都 資金
liquidity 流動性

《看新聞學英文》 「默哀」怎拼?

NBC的招牌節目”今日”最近面臨公關災難,因為有人注意到,電視台並沒有照慣例,在9月11號早上8點46分,也就是被劫持的飛機,撞向世貿中心的那一刻,直播各地的默哀現場,而是播放了一段Kris Jenner討論自已隆乳經驗的訪問…

NBC's“Today”show had a public-relations disaster on its hands when someone noticed that it did not air the annual moment of silence that's held Sept.11 at 8:46 a.m., marking the time when the first hijacked plane hit the World Trade Center… at that moment, "Today”was interviewing Kris Jenner about her breast implants…(資料來源: Washington Post)

Moment of silence 片 默哀
hijack 動 搶劫、劫持
hijacker 名 劫持犯
Interview 名動 面試、訪問
breast implant 片 隆乳
implant 名動 植入物、植入

《看新聞學英文》 「沉默」怎麼拼?

美國總統歐巴馬在妻子蜜雪兒的陪同之下,在白宮草坪舉行一分鐘的默哀,同時間罹難者的家屬, 分別在紐約的世貿中心遺址,以及五角大廈,跟賓州舉行悼念儀式
U.S. President Barack Obama held a one-minute silence on the White House Lawn with wife Michelle by his side as victims' families gathered at Ground Zero in New York, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and...Pennsylvania to honor the dead.(資料來源:starpulse.com)

silence 名 沉默
victim 名 罹難者,受害者
honor 動 名 給予榮耀
lawn 名 草地

《新聞學英文》 「洗腦」怎拼?

Faced with tens of thousands of protesters contending that a Beijing-backed plan for “moral and national education” amounted to brainwashing and political indoctrination, Hong Kong’s chief executive backpedaled on Saturday and revoked a 2015 deadline for every school to start teaching it.(資料來源: NYTimes)

brainwash 動 洗腦
indoctrination 名 灌輸
backpedal 動 後退
contend 動 競爭 爭論

 《看新聞學英文》 NOKIA廣告「造假」道歉

Nokia在週四發表道歉,因為在廣告當中沒有聲明他們使用模擬畫面,來描述Lumia 920手機當中新的防手震技術,這家芬蘭的手機廠商坦承,畫面是用大型相機所拍攝的

Nokia issued an apology Thursday for an advertisement that lacked a disclaimer for using a simulated video to de

scribe the new PureView anti-blur technology inside its Lumia 920 smartphone. ...The Finnish handset maker came clean that ...it was filmed instead with a large-scale video camera. (資料來源:pcworld,crn.com)

simulate 動 模擬
anti-blur 防模糊
disclaimer 名 免責聲明
come clean 動 招認

蘋果活動的邀請函上,一個數字12投射出了5的陰影,讓iPhone 5即將發表的傳言更加甚囂塵上,蘋果預計在9月12號將推出更大, 更薄的iPhone 5,同時間Nokia以及Motorola也打算要各出奇招,來搶攻聖誕節的市場

The invite to the Apple event shows a number 12 casting a shadow of the number f

ive, fuelling rumours of an imminent launch of the iPhone 5. Apple is expected to launch a larger, thinner "iPhone 5" on 12 September – just as Nokia and Motorola are preparing their own offerings to tempt Christmas shoppers.(資料來源:The Guardian)

rumor 名動 謠言,謠傳
event 名 活動,事件,競賽項目
fuel 名 動 燃料,供給燃料
imminent 形 即將發生的,迫近的

《新聞學英文》 富少撞警「肇逃」
Vorayuth 已經坦承肇事逃逸的指控,先前一場車禍造成一名員警身亡.這個案件引發公眾關注因為當事人來自泰國最有錢的富豪家族之一,他是紅牛飲料帝國創辦人許書標的孫子

Mr Vorayuth has confessed to a hit-and-run charge following a road accident that killed a police officer.The case is

 in the public spotlight as it involves one of the richest families in Thailand. Mr Vorayuith is the grandscon of the late founder of the Red Bull empire. (資料來源: Bangkok Post)

hit-and-run 肇事逃逸
confess 動 懺悔 告白
spotlight 名 聚光燈
empire 名 帝國

《新聞學英文》 「大閘蟹」怎麼拼?


The Chinese mitten crab is native to eastern Asia, but has spread to both Europe and North America."This discovery is of some concern. In high densities, these crabs can...cause riverbank erosion through their burrowing activities and out compete native species for food and habitat.(資料來源:www.stamfordadvocate.com)

Chinese mitten crab 大閘蟹
native 形 名 本地的,本國人 
density 名 密度
erosion 名 侵蝕,逐漸破壞

《新聞學英文》 外科手術怎拼?


Despite the improvement in her condition, Ms Angus's acromegaly has taken a serious toll on her health. She can barely walk and is in constant pain when she does…
One surgery caused a stroke that severely damaged her hearing…(資料來源 : Daily Mail)

surgery 名 外科手術
patient 名 病人
Patient 形 耐心的
Patience 名 耐心
stroke 名 中風 動 撫摸