The population of word grow up very fast, two hundred thousand babies are born every day,
Eighty million babies are born every year.
This year, the seven billionth baby was born in Philippine.
The population of word will be over eight billion before 2025.
The Filipinos like to hang a big clock decorated with flowers.
A couple of doves inside the clock represent the bride and groom's forever love.
The relatives will take their turn to dance with bride and groom.
Afterward the relatives can paste the cash on the body of bride and groom.
The Filipinos love to sing , they often go to the church and sing songs.
They also love to dance , they often go clubbing and make friends.
Precisely, my sister and my brother-in-law meet in the club.
There are three seasons in Philippine, they are rainy season, hot season and cool season respectively.
The rainy season comes from March to May.
The hot season comes from June to October.
The cool season comes from November to February.
Good luck:
My brother-in-law told me, the Philippine young man like to wear colorful T-shirt and earrings,
They always take a shower before going out, they believed that it is good manners and they will be brought luck.