來談談航空公司常客的終極獎勵計畫,隸屬 Richard Branson運輸帝國的維珍航空,同集團還包括維珍銀河,要回
Talk about the ultimate frequent-flier incentive. Virgin Airlines — part of Richard Branson’s transportation empire that includes Virgin Galactic — is offering a free trip into space to the customer who racks up the most frequent-flier points. (資料來源:smartplanet)
incentive 名 動機 鼓勵 刺激
ultimate 形 最終的,至高無上的
frequent-flier 航空公司常客
rack up 動 累計
US health authorities are warning tourists who visited California's famous Yosemite National Park recently to beware of a rare virus spread in mouse droppings, after two people died.
A second fatality was confirmed at the weekend from "hantavirus pulmonary syndrome"(HPS)
1. hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS)漢他病毒肺症候群
肺的 症候群
2. acronym 頭字語
SARS= Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
3. rare 形 罕見的
Gold is a rare metal.
She forgot the meeting,. That 's rare.
4. dropping 名 排泄物 (指掉下來的鳥獸糞便)
feces:一般說法, 排泄物
The vet asked me to collect stool sample for my cat.
4. fatality名 死亡 死者
fatal 形 致命的
Cancer can be a fatal disease, if not treated properly.
《新聞學英文》 「物種」怎麼拼?
While previously labeled as a critically endangered species, the Japanese river otter was officially declared extinct today by the Ministry of the Environment, adding that one hasn’t been seen for more than 30 years. (資料來源:Japan Daily Press)
1. species 名 物種(單複數同形)
The Formosan black bear is an endangered(瀕臨絕種的) species in Taiwan.
2. critically 副 苛求地,危及地
The global economy is critically ill.全球經濟面臨非常危及的重病
The man is in a critical condiction.
3. extinct 形 絕跡,滅絕
Many old tranditions have become extinct.
4. river otter 水獺(踏)
資料來源: The Guardian
Armed officers and police helicopters search for a lion apparently on the loose...
Police said the animal had not escaped from the zoo, but it is understood that at least one circus may have been touring the area recently...
武裝警察以及警方的直升機, 正在搜尋一頭不受約束的獅子...
警方表示, 獅子並不是從動物園逃脫的,不過最近剛好有至少一個馬戲團在附近表演...
1. arm 名 動: 手臂. 武裝
armed 形: 武裝的
They armed the soldiers for battle(戰爭).
They planned an armed attack.
2. armed forces(武裝的勢力) 片: 軍隊
He was planning to serve in the armed forces.
3. loose [lus] 形: 鬆散的,未受控制的 與 lose發音很像 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/lose
On the loose 片: 不受約束(一般指動物具有攻擊性的不受控制如獅子,狗等)
There is a lion on the loose.
4. tour 名 旅行
動 巡迴演出
The circus is touring Taipei.
《看新聞學英文》 競選提名怎麼拼?
資料來源:Washington Times
Romney's formal nomination wil be moved back one day to Tuesday, but the lion's share of the political
events and speeches are still scheduled to go on as planned, though officials will keep a watchful eye on the weather.
羅姆尼的正式提名,將延後一天到星期二, 不過大部分的政治活動根演講依舊如期舉行,不過高層會密切注意天氣變化
1. nomination 名 題名
The movie received 8 Oscar nominations but didn't win a single one.
We nominated her for player of the year. 我們提名她角逐年度最佳球員
2. schedule 名 動 時間表, 安排時間
I will try to switch my schedule with my co-worker(同事)
The meeting was rescheduled for Tuesday.
3. move back
The meeting will be moved back by a week.
move up
The meeting has be moved up two hours.
4. lion's share 最大的份額(獅子的一份比喻最大的一份)
Apple has taken the lion's share of the digital music market.
5. keep an eye on ...something 密切關注
Can you keep an eye on my bag?
The company is keeping a watchful(警戒的) eye on its competitors.
1. Arson 名 縱火(罪)
Arsonist 名 縱火犯
Investigators suspect it was arson.
They caught the arsonist!
Evacuate 動 從…撤離
Evacuation 名 撤離、疏散
The civilians are evacuated from the cities.
Many nations assist the evacuation of refugees.
refugee 名 難民, 念法要注意重輕音
Thousands of refugees fled from the country.
They cannot return to their homes and had to stay in refugee camps(難民營).
flee:逃 (有飛的意思,像飛一樣的快速逃走)
新聞學英文》 「性騷擾」怎拼?
[資料來源:Boston Herald]
The report of the second rape of a woman near Harvard University grounds in less than a week sent shockwaves throughout the storied campus, prompting passersby and students alike(adv) to worry about their safety.
1. rape 名 動 : 性侵、強暴
He was accused of raping several female stars.
These women are all rape victims.
2. sexual harassment 性騷擾
Please stop!, I consider this as sexual harassment.
3. campus[ˋkæmpəs] 名: 校園
campus 形: 校園的
I live on campus. 我是住校生 不能用school
He prefer to live off campus.
Campus life can be a lot of fun!
passer(s)by 名 過路人
A passerby saw the accident and called the police.
資料來源:The Orange County Register News
Youths who came to the United States as children and stayed illegally an begin applying for work permits and two years' protection from deportation...
孩童時期入境美國的年輕非法移民, 可以開始申請合法的工作證,這效期兩年的工作許可,可讓他門免於遭受遣返
1. Permit 名[ˋpɝmɪt]許可,許可證,執照 動[pɚˋmɪt]准許名詞與語動詞重因發音不同要注意
These people can apply for a work permit(工作許可).
Smoking is not permitted in the building.
2. deport 動 驅逐出境
deportation 名 遣返
deportee 名 被驅逐出境者
These people may face deportation because they are illegal immigrants.
3. immigrate 動 移入
immigrant 名 移民, 僑胞
Millions of immigrants came to America from Europe in the 19th century.
Illegal immigrants are unwelcome.
emigrate動 移居國外
emigrant 名 移民(往國外)
My grandparents emigrated to England.
[資料來緣: Associated Press]
India, like most other economies, is grappling(抓住、解決問題grapple with) with an economic slowdown... While experts blame the recession... for some it is all in the starts.
Practitioners(開業者、從業者) of financial astrology are now advising investors on how to predict everyday movements in the share market by studying planetary rhythms.
現在就有從事 金融占星術的人,每天都會依照行星運行的節奏來建議投資人,如何預測股市走向...
1. economy [ɪˋkɑnəmɪ]名:經濟、經濟體
economic[͵ikəˋnɑmɪk] slowdown 片: 經濟趨緩, slowdown慢下來也就是趨緩的意思
India's economy is not growing much.
Jobs are hard to find when there is an economic slowdown.
2. recession 名 衰退
economic recession 片 經濟衰退:指一個國家連續兩季GDP都是負成長定義為經濟衰退
Recession is typically defined as a decline(下降) in GDP for two or more consecutive(連續的adj) quarters.
3. depression 名 沮喪、經濟蕭條, 憂鬱症俗稱
If a recession continues long enough, it is often then classified as a depression.
4. share 動 名 :股份、分享
share market/stock market 股市
Shares of Apple are down(名詞) almost 10% from their most recent highs(高點).
The video features the unlikely pop star posing on a speedboat in a garish lifejacket, lying on the floor of a lift(英:電梯) while a man in bermuda shorts百慕大短褲 gyrates above him and performing a tradenmark 'horse-ridng' dance.
1. garish 形:花俏, 無品味 (通常都是指打扮很繽紛、閃閃發亮、很俗)
She is wearing a garish makeup.
2. lifejacket名: 救生衣 也可以說lifevest ,救你一命的外套與背心
lifebuoy 名:救生圈 英式跟美式念法不同 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/BUOY
The lifeguard threw a lifebouy to a drowning(溺水) boy.
此指專業的救生圈一般游泳用的撐swim ring
3. pose 動 名:擺姿勢, hold the pose固定姿勢 要照像了
gyrate 動: 轉圈, 亂動轉圈圈
The model is posing for he artist.
4. trademark 名: 註冊商標
He answered the question with his trademark , sunny smile.
More than 40 South Koreans have begun a relay swim of more than 200km to islands also claimed by Japan amid a serious diplomatic row between the two neighbours.(資料來源:bbc)
relay 動名形 接力,分段傳遞
claim 動名 宣稱,主張權利
diplomatic 形 外交的
row 名 紛爭
relay 動名形 接力,分段傳遞
claim 動名 宣稱,主張權利
diplomatic 形 外交的
row 名 紛爭
A hundred hunks were flown in from all over the world to promote the city's flagship store...The shirtless models have been clapping and hollering by the storefront...(One of them) stresses that it’s really not just the six-pack and the pecs that the company is looking for. (資料來源:CNN)
hunk 名
six-pack 六塊肌
pecs 胸肌
holler 動 吼叫
stress 動名 壓力 強調
hunk 名
six-pack 六塊肌
pecs 胸肌
holler 動 吼叫
stress 動名 壓力 強調
《新聞學英文》 你在「監視」我嗎?
A pair of would-be robbers got more than they bargained for when they tried to take down a convenience store.
Dramatic surveillance video shows one of the robbers demanding cash. Owner Nicholas would not give in and took on the robbers with a stick.(資料來源:CBS)
would-be 形 想要成為的
give 動 給
give in 讓步
give up 放棄
give-and-take 名 互諒互讓、妥協
surveillance video 監視錄影帶
surveillance 名 看守 監視
video 名 錄影帶
would-be 形 想要成為的
give 動 給
give in 讓步
give up 放棄
give-and-take 名 互諒互讓、妥協
surveillance video 監視錄影帶
surveillance 名 看守 監視
video 名 錄影帶
Mount Tongariro, a volcano, erupted for first time in 115 years, creating an ash cloud tj=hat closed roads and disrupted regional air travel.
Scientists are monitoring the event, which they said was driven by steam rather than magma and can't rule out further explosions.
東格里羅火山, 115年以後第一次噴發,產生大量的火山灰, 導致道路被封閉,也打亂了國內航班。
1. volcano 名 火山
Mount Tongarro is a volcano in New Zealand's North island.
2. erupt 動 噴發、突然開始
The volcano erupted.
The crowd erupted in applause(鼓掌) when she finished singing.
3. magma名 岩漿
volcano ash 名 火山灰
Magma is the hot liquid rock below the surface of Earth.
The ash cloud closed roads.
Active volcano
Extinct(絕種) volcano
Dormant(平靜無活動) volcano
睡火山 (活火山的一種短期無活動)
A gunman killed six people and critically(嚴重的) wounded three at a Sikh temple before police shot him dead in an attack authorities are treating as an act of domestic terrorism.
1. terror 名 極度害怕 比fear高一級
terrorism名 恐怖主義/行動
The sound of thunder fills me with terror.
That was an act of terrorism.
2. terrorist 名 形 恐怖份子
911 was a terrorist attack. (當形容詞)
These people are deported because they are suspected to be terrorists.
deport : 驅逐(出境)
3. gunman 名 槍手, 職業殺手
4. Sikh temple 錫克廟
Sikhism a religion founded in India around 15th century.
The word 'Sikh' means a disciple(門徒,信徒), so Sikhism(錫克教) can be said as essentially the path of
This weekend, Curiosity lands on Mars. That's the name of a one-ton roving robotic
laboratory, part of NASA's four-ton spacecraft now hurtling toward the planet. If Curiosity survives the landing sequence, this sophisticated robot may determine whether Mars ever did or could support life. (資料來源: CNN)
《新聞學英文》 好奇號登陸火星
這個週末,「好奇號」將登陸火星。「好奇號」是一艘一噸重的自動探測車, 它是美國太空總署現在正朝火星飛馳而去的四噸重太空船的一部份。如果「好奇號」能夠平安渡過降落過程,這個先進的探測器也許能夠研判:火星是否曾有生物存在,或適合生物生存。
1. robotic laboratory 探測車
robotic 形 機器人的、自動的
laboratory 名 研究室、實驗室
laboratory 名 研究室、實驗室
We do our chemistry experiments in the laboratory(lab).
2. spacecraft 名 太空船
space 名 太空、空間
craft 船; 飛機; 太空船;
There is a lot of space in this house.
3. space out 片 放空(口語)
Sorry, what did you say?
I spaced out.
4. planet 名 星球
solar system 片 太陽系
solar system 片 太陽系
The solar system consists of the sun and the planets orbiting around it.
The wild weather whipped up by Tropical Storm Saola...was compounded a separate low-pressure area that lashed the capital overnight with tornado-like winds and a powerful thunderstorm. Many parts of Manila were without power early Monday and low-lying areas were flooded.(資料來源:AP)
1. low pressure area 低氣壓
A low pressure area developed into a tropical depression(熱帶性低氣壓) east of Luzon(呂宋島)
2. tropical storm 熱帶風暴,輕度颱風
The tropical storm is expected to intensify(加強,變為更劇烈) into a category 2 typhoon.
Category:分類, 範疇
台灣台風分三級, 輕
category 1, 中category 2, 強category 33. whip, lash 動 鞭打,猛擊
The rain whipped/lashed the windows.(猛烈的敲打)
The rain whipped/lashed the windows.(猛烈的敲打)
4. low-lying 形 地勢低的
The authorities issued an evacuation(疏散,撤離) for low-lying areas.